Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Easter Maze

I think the Bunny needs to hold off on bringing sugary treats this year. I've been sugar free for two weeks now and I'm not sure I could stand the temptation. The Beastlings have never gotten a lot of candy at holidays anyway, but I'm not willing to push my luck right now.

I do think everyone should have a chocolate rabbit in their basket, but it doesn't have to be a big one. I'll get a good quality chocolate one rather than the cheaper massive ones they sell. That cheap "chocolate" is full of partially hydrogenated nastiness anyway.

And then they will get some trinkets, a book or two, maybe some non-candy snacks, some play-doh toys and matchbox cars, and that will be it. I won't be tempted to eat the play-doh, at least.

And they will get plenty candy from their school egg hunts. I suggested that the classes fill the eggs with stickers and things other than sweets but that went over like a lead balloon. I should have expected that, but it was worth a try.

I could really go for a Cadbury Creme Egg right now. Or three.

Or five.

Here's a maze to keep the little'uns busy. Click and enlarge.

P.S. Here's a very interesting (and somewhat disturbing) article on High Fructose Corn Syrup everyone should read.

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