Saturday, July 4, 2009

Up and At 'Em

You guys may have noticed that The Blog was down for the count over the last month. Well, so was I - taking some time to be not on the computer and getting some stuff (The Decrapping Project is well underway) taken care of. We're back.

I reorganized a lot of my photos that were hosted on Photobucket and haven't fixed them all, so if you notice any aren't showing up, that's why - I haven't finished fixing that mess. My PB account had eleventy billion images in it in no particular order, and it had to be done - hopefully it won't need to be revamped for a while.

Welcome back - please drop me a note if you like. I hope to do a little redecorating shortly - change it up a bit.

Oh, and I just submitted a fond family memory to, which is a fantastic site if you haven't already checked it out. I'll let you know if it shows up. It's a good one.

1 comment:

Thanks for reading - I heart comments! Please keep them at least vaguely on topic and respectful, thanks!