I've been busy reading The 19th Wife: A Novel by David Ebershoff for the last two days. It was recommended to me by Irishlassie and I found it engrossing.
The book tells two tales, that of a modern day "Lost Boy" who has been excommunicated from his polygamous sect and that of the life and controversy surrounding Ann Eliza Young, one of the many wives of Brigham Young, the savior and second Prophet of Mormonism. Both are spun brilliantly and I found the book difficult to put down. To wit, I finished the 514 page hardcover version in 36 hours.
The author has obviously researched the book in a meticulous fashion and it is impossible to tell where history ends and fiction begins, which is acknowledged in his epilogue. After over 500 pages, I was sad for the book to end, but all in all it was a very satisfying read.
I should note that a brief look at the Amazon reviews suggest that a few people found the book confusing. Anyone who is looking for some cotton candy in literary form and is not prepared to pay attention might possibly find it confusing. However I did not find it confusing in the least and am baffled by the claim.
I am now off to bathe two stinky little boys.
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