Tuesday, January 27, 2009

High Fructose Corn Syrup, Now with Tasty Mercury!

High Fructose Corn Syrup creeps me out. This is nothing new - once I became aware of it about four years ago, I started eliminating it from our family's kitchen. It still sneaks in sometimes
when I forget to read labels, but for the most part we are HFCS-free

I wonder how much we consumed before I stopped buying products with it, though? Pounds and pounds of it, I am certain, since its use is pervasive. HFCS can be found in bread, sweetened drinks, granola bars, most sauces like barbecue sauce, spaghetti sauce, and ketchup, cereal, crackers, canned soups, and yogurt. The list goes on - in fact it's easier to list the things it's not in.

The HFCS manufacturers, courtesy of promotional ads by the Corn Refiners Association, would like you to think that it's harmless stuff, that it's "made from corn," that it "doesn't have artificial ingredients" "has the same calories as sugar or honey" "is nutritionally the same as sugar", and "is fine in moderation." Unfortunately, that's just not true.

For starters, here is a description of how it is made. Tasty, no?

Why not use real sugar, you ask? Because sugar tariffs and corn subsidies converge to make HFCS a bargain ingredient and table sugar (sucrose) much less attractive in terms of product profitability. It's all about the bottom line - nothing more, nothing less.

HFCS is linked to obesity, insulin resistance, diabetes, fatty liver disease, and more.

And it is used in products primarily marketed to our children.

And so I turn on my computer today and see that HFCS has made the news again. Somewhat (ok, extremely) disturbingly, it appears that there are two basic grades of HFCS. The kind with mercury in it and the kind without. Presumably the kind with mercury is cheaper. Which do you think is used in foods marketed at young children and families such as Quaker, Hunt's, Manwich, Hershey's, Smucker's, Kraft, Nutri-Grain, and Yoplait?

Yes, folks, if you have HFCS in your home, you have probably been noshing on mercury tainted foods. And so have your children.

For the full article, please click HERE.

Please contact the makers of foods that use HFCS (via the 1-800 number on the packaging) and tell them you do not intend to purchase their product until they cease using high fructose corn syrup. And then follow through with your promise not to purchase them - there are many products that are HFCS free, you just have to look for them. And today would be an excellent time to start.


  1. The whole thing is disturbing as hell. It's in EVERYTHING too.

    And, FTR, I'm completely distracted by hangman. And I suck at it.

  2. Oh, but a little tiny bit of a neurotoxin's not so bad, right? I only found out that the FDA was aware of all this since 2005 once I posted. WTF?

    As for the hangman, take a hint from Wheel of Fortune - RSTLNE. It will get you halfway there most of the time.

  3. See also: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2009/03/24/Why-HighFructose-Corn-Syrup-Causes-Insulin-Resistance.aspx


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