A big, albeit belated, congratulations are in order for my friend Jenny on the profiling of her fabulous blog The Nourished Kitchen on CNN.com this week. Here is her latest post discussing the article.
While we do limit our processed foods, especially for the children, and have cut out entire categories of chemicals, high fructose corn syrup, partially hydrogenated oils, I don't at this moment have the time, energy, or inclination to devote myself completely to the "real food" movement as she and her husband do, but we are sloooooowly moving closer to the idea "real" diet - one baby step at a time. And chances are (and I can all but guarantee this), we'll never get there all the way, but there's merit and benefits in partially succeeding.
I find her endeavors incredibly admirable and find the research and thought she puts into her blog thoroughly considered and the science fascinating. Anyone interested in simplifying and health-ifying their eating should have a look at her blog and the recipes and resources she has throughout the site. Go have a look for yourself!
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