Thursday, April 30, 2009

Girl Power, Baby!

Girl beats off muggers with marching band baton

QUARTZ HILL, Calif. – Don't mess with the marching band. That's what California authorities are saying after a 17-year-old girl used her marching band baton to beat back two would-be muggers.

Los Angeles County sheriff's Deputy Michael Rust says the Quartz Hill girl was walking to school April 24 when two men approached her from behind, tried to grab her coat and demanded money.

Instead, one got a punch in the nose and the other a kick to the groin. Rust says the girl then beat both of them with her band baton before she ran away.

The men had not been caught. But Rust says there's a clear message to take from the encounter: "The moral to this story is don't mess with the marching band girls, or you just might get what you deserve. Final score: marching band 2, thugs 0."

I'm sure it wasn't the safest thing to do, in hindsight - but she beat them up with a baton! How cool is that? And what idiots must those two guys feel like now, huh? Two of them and they got beat to hell by a high school girl? Brilliant. More power to her - that girl's got spunk.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

April Showers Bring...


Mud, mostly.

Please don't make fun of the hideous backyard corner - it's the one spot where grass refuses to grow; I hope to completely revamp the corner very soon. Last week I had to remove a massive red hibiscus that (very sadly) didn't make it through the winter. Hence the mud puddle:

Monday, April 27, 2009

Backyard Blueberries

We picked up three small blueberry "bushes" today. I have no actual photos to share because as soon as we got home, the sky blackened, the heavens opened, and the rain poured forth, bringing tornado warnings and flood notices with it. So you'll need to be patient for photos. Truly, they aren't what I would call photogenic plants anyway. Downright homely is more like it - tall and gangly like the awkward teenagers of the plant world. They are maybe 3.5' tall and almost vinelike in appearance with woody stems.

I haven't decide where to plant them. Some sources suggest they do well in containers, which is one thought, but I'm pretty bad about watering things in containers - not now, but when it really heats up in the summer and you have to water at least once a day, it's easy to miss a day or two. We have lots of ground, though as I may have mentioned, Mister Lawyer isn't keen on anyone disturbing his lawn. I think we'll make an exception for the blueberries. And by we, I of course mean, me. I'll let the kids show him when they have been planted.

I ran across this FAQ gem in my quest for self-education about all things blueberry:

Q: Do you sell organic blueberries?

A: Our blueberry planting has NOT had ANY pesticide application for over14 years. (knock-on-wood) It can not be certified "organic" only because we use chemical fertilizer instead of poop. We consider this"as good as" organic, but the governmental agencies do not.

Also, I have no idea why, but this image pops up on a search for "Blueberry Plant." Interesting.

Since it has rained significantly, tomorrow (assuming the deluge ceases) will be an ideal day to plant our new project. The boys are thrilled and want to plant them immediately. The bushes (if you can call them that with a straight face) are actually fruiting - not what I would call a blueberry bonanza, but there are a few berries on there and it seems like a good sign. According to The Internet, the berries will be ripe in the summer. The Summer, is a bit earlier here that most other places - more like May/June rather than June/July/August. Very little grows in August due to the fierce heat.

Ironically, I don't really like blueberries. Sure, I like them cooked in things, like pancakes and muffins. But plain? That just doesn't do it for me. Now, I know they are something of a superfood that we all should like and want to eat, but I just don't. My plan is to hide my distaste from the boys and let them enjoy the berries and their nutrition without my coloring their tastes. Failing that, we will freeze them as they ripen and then throw the lot them into a pancake batter sometime down the line. Mmmmm.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

'Hand of God' rock being sold on eBay

Here's one for the record books. Well, whichever books that memorialize crazy. Or entrepreneurial....I'm not quite sure which.

Here's the CNN article I'm referring to.
A man in northern Idaho says he has seen a massive hand of God in his life, and he is willing to share it with the highest bidder.

Paul Grayhek, 52, listed the rock formation he dubbed the "Hand of God Rock Wall" on the online auction Web site eBay. The highest bid was $250 early Sunday, with three days left to go in the auction..........

However, the winning bidder on eBay should not start clearing out his backyard. Grayhek is not planning to part with the formation.

The buyer will "basically be buying the rights, complete and exclusive rights" to the rock, including literary and movie rights, according to Grayhek.

Movie rights? Literary Rights? Really? I read this article in about 15 seconds. Unless they are talking about stretching this into a 3-5 minute long youtube video, I'm not seeing any "movie" coming out of this sale. Nor can I fathom a book much longer than, well, that article. But you never know - that say the attention span of today's youth is getting shorter.

Here's a newsflash, though. I can write about this rock now if I wanted to - no rights required. Such is the magic of the First Amendment. I could even write a screenplay. But I won't because it would bore people to death and then I would have to defend myself against wrongful death lawsuits from the grieving families of those who saw my film.

Nonetheless, if the guy makes a few bucks off this sale to put toward his education, he probably deserves it; the sale shows initiative and creativity, after all. Kudos to him.

Night Waking

When she wakes at night, I go up to her room and calm her, nurse her, check her diaper, wrap her up in her so-soft blanket and then rock her, petting her fuzzy little warm head and humming to her. I often rock her mindlessly, enjoying her warm baby form on me until I realize that she has been sleeping for ages and I'm not rocking for her benefit any longer. And then I rock for a few more minutes anyway because I now that this won't last much longer and I need to savor every single minute of sweet sleepy babyness that I can.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Pursuant to Yesterday's Earth Day Post...

I am the proud owner of a fancy schmancy new composting bin, courtesy of Costco.

It even has legs, so Mister Lawyer cannot fuss about his pristine lawn getting mucked about with.

Hopefully I'll be able to set it up tomorrow. This is pretty exciting for me; probably more exciting than it should be. I will report back with more details as things progress.

We have been using the garbage disposal more than the trash can, my reasoning being that organic matter that is decimated and soggy is more likely to break down than organic matter trapped in a landfill. But from what I have read, that's simply not good enough.

I found this argument for composting being the best alternative of the three choices:

A garbage disposal grinds food you put in the sink and sends it into the septic tank or sewer system. It adds extra volume to your septic tank; if you are connected to your city's sewer, it puts more pressure on that system, making sewage treatment more costly. Sewer systems are designed to process pre-digested material, not fresh kitchen scraps.

A garbage disposal uses about two gallons of water per minute — about 700 gallons a year with average use. That amount of water will make seven pots of tea a day or do six loads of laundry a month. Composting kitchen waste is the best alternative.

I can't wait to explain the process to the kids - I'm sure they will be amazed, even at this young age. I'm sure my garden will benefit from the results of our efforts and the amount of waste we produce will be decreased even further.

For those who are interested in starting to compost themselves, here is a composting primer that I've been perusing - lots of good information to be found at

Thursday, April 23, 2009

I Missed Earth Day

Well, I didn't forget about it or anything, but we didn't do anything special for it either. In a stroke of unfortunate irony, Beastling 2 had a field trip which required a fully disposable lunch rather than the completely reusable set-up he normally carries. I feel kind of lousy about that, but the truth is, it's not what you do on that one glorified green day that counts, it's what you do on the other 364 days that really matters.

There are some things that we do here at the homestead that are very green indeed and plenty others that need improvement, but overall, we are inching toward a greener lifestyle.

I am switching over to CFL bulbs as my traditional bulbs burn out. I love them - they take a bit of getting used to, sure, but after a few days, you don't notice the difference in the color of the light. I actually appreciate the less-yellow cast they give off.

We recycle. Our home recycling takes aluminum, paper, and #1 and #2 plastics, so that goes out front on Friday mornings. My parents' recycling pick-up takes all plastics other than #3 and #6 and tin cans and glass, so those items go home with my mother every Thursday. Our cardboard is packed up and taken to the big school recycling bin and our plastic packaging and bags is taken to the bin at Kroger. Batteries and used CFL bulbs are collected and taken to the hazardous recycling center once a year or so. Mr. Lawyer actually brings home all of his co-workers' plastic bottles...I often think about whether our recycle pick-up workers wonder about our beverage habits. We probably come across as incredibly thirsty folk; he has a big office.

We reuse or rehome. I try to reuse items before putting them in the recycling bin and I try really hard to find a new use for items that cannot be recycled at all. Freecycle is a fantastic way to rehome almost anything - your junk might be another person's treasure. Even broken, unmatched pottery could be a windfall to a local artist making a tabletop mosaic - you never know. Craigslist is another great way to sell or give away goods that others could use.

We avoid disposable lunch products. The kids' lunches almost never contain baggies or other throw-away items. They bring back their plastic silverware, containers, lunch bags, and drink bottles and we wash and use them again.

We conserve where we can. We don't leave the tap running, we turn off lights. We teach the children to do the same. It's small, but it's something.

We buy products in recyclable packaging over containers and wrapping that cannot be recycled. We avoid buying plastic water bottles and do not buy juice boxes, which are not recyclable at all.

We use greener cleaners. I now use vinegar on most everything as well as Oxyclean, both of which are environmentally acceptable. I now own a Shark floor steamer which takes only hot water. We are not completely virtuous in this area, but we have made some big strides over the past few years.

But there is more that we need to start doing...

Composting. I am this close to getting a composting bin. But I haven't taken that plunge yet. I am almost certain that when I do I will wonder why I didn't do it earlier.

Use Reusable Shopping Bags. Actually I have a number of them and I do try to use them, but I don't always remember to take them in or have them with me when I make a pit stop at Kroger. I will say the plastic bags we do get are all recycled or reused, but that's not really good enough. The paper bags we get are used for storing our paper to be recycled.

Avoid paper products. We do use paper towels and I doubt that will ever fully end, honestly, but we use less of them. We could use even fewer, though. Fewer paper napkins, too. I will say I have no intention of getting rid of toilet paper in this house. Yes, I know it can be done, but I have limits. We also use disposable diapers, which guilts me to no end, but it is what it is.

Truly the list is endless, there are so many things you can do to green up your life. Even seemingly tiny things add up over time. Multiply that effort by millions of people and it's not such a small effort anymore.

Check out The Green Guide for more ideas on how to make your lifestyle more friendly to our earth.

This we know: The earth does not belong to man; man belongs to the earth. This we know.

All things are connected like the blood which unites one family. All things are connected.

Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of the earth.

Man did not weave the web of life: he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself.

A Cure for Asthma?

My three year old has asthma which is brought on by exercise, temperature and humidity changes, and allergies. He is severely allergic to peanuts and pecans, moderately allergic to cashews, and slightly allergic to far too many things to mention. I asked him if he would like to live in a plastic bubble and he seemed enthusiastic, but Mr. Lawyer voted me down.

I just saw this news article today. It's interesting, if rather disgusting:

Could lice be the secret to preventing asthma?

Research on mice shows that those carrying the most lice had calmer immune systems than uninfested rodents, and they said their finding may have implications for studying the causes of asthma and allergies in people.

The study, published in the BioMed Central journal BMC Biology, adds to evidence supporting the so-called hygiene hypothesis, which holds that the rise in asthma and allergies can be linked to hyper-clean living.

The idea is that if the immune system is not properly primed in childhood, immune cells can improperly react to harmless triggers such as pollen or bits of dander. Bacterial and viral infections do not seem to be the priming factor, but researchers have been focusing lately on parasites.

Joseph Jackson of Britain's University of Nottingham and colleagues wanted to test real, wild mice, not hygienic lab mice that had been raised for generations in ultra-clean conditions.

"Our understanding of mammalian immunology is largely based on rodents reared under highly unnatural pathogen- and stress-free conditions," Nottingham's Janette Bradley, who helped lead the study, said in a statement.

They trapped mice and studied their immune systems.

Mice uninfested with the louse Polyplax serrata had much more excitable immune systems than the mice carrying a heavy load of the parasites, they found.

It might be suppressing the immune system in some way, they speculated, perhaps by transmitting some other parasite or microbe or perhaps in its saliva as it feeds on the blood of its host.

The hygiene hypothesis holds that the immune system evolved when people were constantly infected by a host of worms and other parasites -- from the mosquito-transmitted malaria parasite to various lice and ticks.

"Much like laboratory mice, people in developed countries are currently exposed to a very different profile of infections to that encountered by their ancestors," the researchers wrote.

"It is possible that the immune dysfunctions we see today are the result of immune systems calibrated for a set of challenges completely different to those they now routinely face."

Humans can also be infested with lice, although the species that affects humans does not affect other animals.

I'd like to stress that in no way could our lifestyle be considered "hyper-clean living" by any stretch of the imagination. I'd like it to be, but I'm just not a very good housewife when it comes to scouring baseboards and the like. My kids are happy, reasonably clean, well-fed, and loved and hopefully that's what they will remember when they think back to their childhood, not that mommy didn't dust the credenza as often as she should have.

Beastling 2 never did breathe well - from the moment of birth he had breathing issues. Those were attributed to his surgical birth, though. Many c-section babies have trouble breathing initially because their lungs don't get wrung out like normal deliveries do.

In addition there is a documented link between c-sections and asthma, which, as a mother of three surgically birthed children, is concerning.

However my father has asthma and it was severe as a child. Mister Lawyer had some degree of it as a child, but has outgrown it entirely. And I was never diagnosed as a child but rather told that I had "weak lungs" whatever that means. I don't ever recall wheezing except when ill and I am reluctant to diagnose anything at all. I can say that I have developed a wheeze recently that I most certainly did not have before and have been diagnosed with adult onset asthma. The allergist suspects I always had some degree of it, but I'm not so sure. Regardless, I am the proud owner of my very own inhaler which works like a charm when I need it. I should add that I am not a smoker and have never been a smoker.

So my point with all that is that I don't think I can blame the c-section - at least not entirely. I do wonder if it triggered some genetic predilection to asthma that was already present. Of course we can never know.

At 17 months old he developed a mild cold that progressed into wheezing and a clear inability to breathe well. He became lethargic and off color and we took him to to the emergency room where they gave him several breathing treatments, monitored him, and sent us home. Over that winter we hit the ER 3 more times and were diagnosed with asthma in January 2007.

His condition is generally well controlled, although it can still be unpredictable at times. Despite being fully stocked with albuterol and other medications, we were unable to get his breathing under control recently and ended up in urgent care where they administered 4 breathing treatments and started a course of before his breathing improved enough to be released.

We are hoping he grows out of it, like his father, but it actually seems to have gotten worse over the last year. Still, even my father, who's asthma was very severe, even life-threatening, has had many fewer episodes as an adult.

When I read studies like the one quoted above, I wonder if there may be some validity to the "cleanliness" theory as it applies to society as a whole and I will be interested to see what comes of this research. If it means the clutter on the counter might have some scientifically proven health benefits, then that's just an added bonus for me.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

This is my 100th Post

What shall I use it for? The possibilities are limitless.....

First order of business. I've been having this computer was a pain. Nothing would windows installer got corrupted about 6 months ago or inexplicably SNAFU'd or something along those lines which meant no Windows updates, no Norton updates, no new programs (I've been wanting to install Photoshop Elements 7 for months now and TurboTax wouldn't take either), no Java updates and thus I couldn't print off internet coupons and so on and so see what trouble it was?

Anyway, my best buddy in the whole internet world forever and ever and ever and ever and ever walked me through fixing the problem and I am successfully installing updates left and right and running the newly updates Norton at this very minute. Woooohoooo!!!!!!!!


Second order of business. I think you-know-who is teething again. Yes, Ms. 11 Months Old Today. She's had a hard time settling at night and I'm feeling a little sore in the boobular regions....I think she might have some molars coming in. Wasn't she just born last month? Too big, too fast.

And lastly, when I was a kid, my dad always used to claim that one hour of sleep before midnight is worth two hours after. Logically, this makes no sense, of course. 8 hours sleep is 8 hours sleep, no matter when you get it. However, I've come to think there is some validity to it after all.

I do feel vastly better if I go to bed at 10:30 or 11 and sleep for 7 or 8 hours than if I call it a night in the early morning. Even moreso now that I have three small people, several feline friends, and occasionally even Mr. Lawyer disrupting my sleep. I wonder what the sleep geeks have to say about that?

Speaking of being unduly woken, my 5 year old woke me last night by yelling Mommy Mommy Mommy!!! I sprinted upstairs thinking he had woken from a nightmare or needed emergency help finding the bathroom (he's a very deep sleeper). No, not exactly. He sat up in bed and told me matter of factly that "Sometimes it is windy outside, Mommy. And sometimes it is not." Seriously? I ran up here for that? I don't mind getting up to deal with real or imagined crises, don't get me wrong, but after all the yelling, his observation about the wind was somewhat underwhelming at 3:00 a.m. And so it goes.

Norton is still happily scanning. Life is good.

Go, Boobies!!!

Hey, it turns out there are stem cells in human milk. Woah, right? Thanks to the Aussies (who I have heard, have a fantastic national program promoting breastfeeding), we are a little bit closer to realizing just how amazing and irreplaceable human milk really is.
"The Perth scientist who made the world-first discovery that human breast milk contains stem cells is confident that within five years scientists will be harvesting them to research treatment for conditions as far-reaching as spinal injuries, diabetes and Parkinson’s disease."
And if that wasn't enough to wow you, this is just out today:

It appears in an Obstetrics & Gynecology report concluding that women who breast-feed are less likely to have heart disease, heart attacks and strokes.

Other scientific studies suggest breast-feeding reduces the risk of diabetes as well as breast and ovarian cancer.

I think a reduced chance of heart disease, heart attacks, strokes, and breast and ovarian cancer is pretty attractive, don't you?

When I turned my head.... (Part I)

~ They took scoops and scoops of cat litter out to drive their Hot Wheels monster trucks in. Because monster trucks like to drive in "bumpy dirt."

~ They used the entire bag of flossers.

~ They tried to find out how long it took before the water dispenser in the fridge would run out of just keeping their fingers on the button.

~ They poured water over their Easter jelly beans to make "juice."

~ They drove it in the mud....and then through the house.

~ They tried to feed the baby things they did not want to eat.

~ They pulled all of the baby wipes out "so they could practice counting."

~ They ate one bite out of every apple, "to find the best one."

~ They peed in a bucket. And saved it for later use.

~ They glitter-glued the cereal boxes shut.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Rain is the Cloud's PeePee

How can you really argue against that logic?

It's dark, wet, and rather ominous, outside....we're definitely not going anywhere today.

"The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers"

Have you ever heard a positive lawyer joke? Me neither. And I've heard a lot of them. For reasons that will forever baffle me, people find it even funnier to tell lawyer jokes to lawyers, because we clearly appreciate lame attempts at humor and surely we haven't heard them all.

Trust me, we have.

Lawyers, if conventional wisdom can be believed, are responsible for everything from greed and a growing sense of undue entitlement to outright fraud and generalized moral corruption of our society: the lack of ethics attorneys display is morally bankrupting our nation.

Lawyers, after all, are responsible for those ridiculous lawsuit that you hear about in the news. You know, like that old woman who struck a gold mine by suing McDonald's after she spilled her own coffee on herself. Well, it makes for juicy copy anyway.

We've all heard a lot about "Tort Reform" and how badly we need it. In fact, it passed in Texas some time ago when it was all the rage. We in Texas and in other states have been told countless times that "Greedy Trial Lawyers" are the only ones who benefit and do so to the tune of bajillions of dollars. Obviously, they and their torts need to be limited. Do you even know what a tort is? Do you think the average voter does? I would hazard to say no, not only do they not know a precise definition, but that they don't know a tort from a contract or almost any other cause of action. But I digress....

Considering that truly meritless tort cases (and any other meritless case) will be dismissed by the judge on their facts after a simple motion by the opposing attorney, is there really a need to reform the tort? If your answer is yes, why so? Because you've been told? Who told you - those ads on TV that someone ambiguous funded? Your doctor who handed you a pamphlet and urged you to vote for tort reform so his malpractice insurance would be lowered so that he wouldn't be driven out of business or out of state by the Greedy Trial Lawyers?

Tort Reform isn't solely concerned with medical malpractice, but it's probably the portion that hit most voters close to home. Say someone is harmed by a doctor. Let's call it negligence. Who benefits from that? The family might benefit financially, but of course we don't want the grieving spouse to make too much money out of their tragedy, do we? Who else? The Greedy Trial Lawyer who took a big risk on this case by taking it on a contingency basis and ate all the costs to bring it to trial? Of course he/she profits - that's their job! Cases like this can easily take $100,000.00 to bring to trial - should the attorney who took on that risk not benefit?

On the flip side, who profits from Tort Reform? The doctors who were being allegedly driven out of business by the legal profession? Only marginally, as it turns out. Could it be the insurance companies?


Insurance companies have profited astronomically since the vote to implement Tort Reform in Texas. If you are planing on having a difficult birth or complicated surgery, this might not be the state to do it in - if your health care providers drop the ball, your financial recover is severely limited, regardless of the damage done. And the insurance companies couldn't be happier.

In fact, "ten years after so-called “tort reform” legislation, insurance companies that offer property, liability and casualty coverage are reporting record profits for 2005. "

And in addition to that, because of the work and high expense involved in this type of case, you will find many fewer attorneys financially able to take on any cases in which recovery is not all but certain. So if your case is not a slam dunk, good luck getting anyone to accept it at all.

This entry explains the result of Texas voters' actions as it applies to patients. I urge you to read it if you have recently been, ever plan to be, or are kin or friends with any health care patients in Texas or your state is considering similar legislation.

So what voters did by choosing this law to bring down the Greedy Trial Lawyers is the proverbial nose biting to spite their face. Sadly, they screwed themselves - the joke is on them.

On all of us, actually.

The title of this entry is a quote from William Shakespeare's Henry VI, Part 2. It's often used to illustrate the point that even centuries ago, lawyers were (rightly) regarded as fully dispensable bottom dwellers of society. The irony is this: while clearly intended as a lawyer joke even then, this line of comic relief is expressed by the play's villains who think it would be fabulous to rid society of the greedy lawyers. Of course they think that - they are the villains! Lawyers, regardless of what you think of them, are part of the system to help keep the bad guys in check, despite what the insurance company propaganda wants you to think.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tax Day Ramblings

Happy Tax Day! If you haven't filed, you now have less than a half hour to do so. Unless you are on the west coast (hour and a half) or they IRS owes you. And if you aren't done with your return, you really should not be reading this blog. Go on, now - scram! Now, if they owe you then they are perfectly content to sit on your money as long as possible and aren't going to fuss about it at all. I don't blame them - if you let me borrow your money I'm not going to hound you to take it back either.

I did my parents' taxes this weekend. Filed them yesterday. Dad doesn't use a computer. Well, neither of them do. He was extremely skeptical about the idea of "e-filing." I had to explain that there was actually less of a chance of errors with it being efiled - no input errors, no lost-in-the-mail issues, etc. And the check - how would they process a check over the internet, he wanted to know? How is that possible? Would people have access to his bank account? " I don't want any part of that!"

After much cajoling, I finally convinced him to efile - namely because it was much easier than a trek with the three little ones to the Post Office. So I efiled for them on the 14th. I called afterward and told him that it went through and marveled at how easy it was. I got the confirmation email via Turbotax and sat back to wait for it to be formally "accepted" by the IRS.

Today in the late afternoon, I got the notice that it had been rejected.

No, I did not tell my parents. I did scurry about quietly fixing the clerical error and then re-sent that bad boy well before midnight tonight. I doubt they would be very impressed with the efiling system if they knew about the rejection notice. Shhh - I won't tell them if you won't.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I've Been Redecorating

I took down the Easter eggs. They sure were nice while the lasted, but I figure you all were tired of them, it no longer being Easter and all. I tried to spruce up the joint and if you know if any really cool widgets, this would be the place to suggest them. I'm all ears...and technologically...well, rather slow. But I do try.

And just for the record, I did do some Easter stuff with the kids, but it wasn't really blog worthy. Well, it was kind of funny in an incredibly lame sort of way. I got some eggs to dye and then was too tired to dye them or cook them (I'll blame this one someone who shall remain nameless waking approximately four hundred thousand times a night for a snack and a cuddle).

So, too tired to boil them (not a huge fan of hard boiled eggs in any event) I blew them out and gave the kids markers to pretty them up with, which they got bored with really fast, after destroying several of them. So I was forced to color the bulk of the surviving blown eggs myself, which secretly pleased me.

The plan was to make the ones with littlest holes into holiday decorations for the table and the ones that ended up with bigger holes into cascarones, but that was really too grand a scheme for my available energy level. The actual result was attractively markered eggs put to the side of the kitchen on a Dora paper plate on the counter and ignored and three very large meals worth of scrambled eggs. The eggs, which we rarely eat, were well worth the effort, however.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

It's almost over, but I hope everyone had a good one. I forgot to take any photos until after 7pm, so they were a bit dark...better than nothing, though.

I did take a video this morning of the kids opening their baskets - the Beastlings told me all about the Easter Bunny and how big he was (smaller than an elephant, bigger than our baby), what he looks like (all white fur), and that he could write but not speak. And apparently he, like most bunnies, is very skittish, so you must be very very quiet around him. Oh and he does not use a sleigh like Santa or have anyhelper elves, so that's why you only get one basket, rather than a whole passel of gifts. Well, of course.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Coupon Madness

I hesitate to admit it, but I've been buying a few lots of coupons off Ebay. It's become something of a game to me: what can I get for free?

I just bought 40 (yes, 40 - and you can stop laughing now) $1.00 off coupons for Mentos Sugarless Gum. It's on sale for $1.00 right now at Walgreens. $1.00 less $1.00 is, of course free. In Texas, you do not pay the sales tax on the amount of the coupon, so it's totally free, as in $0.00. I expect the coupons to arrive within 3 days and the sale is running until April 25th, so I have plenty of time to stock up. 40 packs of gum for $4.00 - the cost of the coupons and shipping. I figure they are good for birthday party goodie bags as well as regular old every day chewing - I tried them the other day with the coupon I already had and it's tasty stuff.

I'm also bidding on a lot of 20 $1.00 off coupons for Meow Mix Cat Treats which retail for around $.97 at Walmart. Lucky cats, huh? We'll see how that pans out - I bid a lot more than I actually buy and if it bids up, I bow out quickly. I'm cheap on ebay too. Don't you all go bidding up my cat treat auction, now!

I funded these auctions by selling the sample cans of formula I got in the mail on Craigslist. I gave a ton away to charity a few months ago and decided to hawk the remainder to fund my habit, so to speak.

Do I need to play the coupon game? No, I don't. Luckily. But it's fun, I have to admit. Kroger, CVS, and Walgreens are all a ten minute walk from here so it gets us all a little exercise too and makes the walk purposeful.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Spring has Sprung

...straight into summer it seems. We had the sunscreen on and the iced water bottles out and it was HOT today! But at least it was windy. Too windy to take any decent photos, with the hair blowing and the plants blowing, but that was better than melting.

One of these things is not like the others. Four of these things are kind of the same....

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Very Cool Hallmark Freebie

Hallmark will send a free fully customizable paper card to the recipient of your choice now through April 12. They will even cover the cost of your stamp! Choose your card, customize it, and then use promo code TRIAL once you get to the check out.

I just sent a card to the kids from the Easter Bunny.