Wednesday, October 7, 2009

October 2008

Here's our "pumpkin patch" last year. Yes, I have three kids and only one is featured - it's not because I forgot about the other two, but rather they were so exhausted after their school Halloween parties that they refused to pose. I have a few shots, but they came out terribly, so you just get this one. But isn't she a cutie?

Last year we had a Dinosaur (purchased) and a light-up Christmas Tree at the house. By far, the Tree got the most attention - it was, if I do say so, quite magnificent. I know I got him on video....I'll have a look around for that.

I'm working on their costumes for this year. So far Mister 5yo wants to be "a door" and Mister 4yo wants to be "a fish." The baby has no preference, though she seems drawn to sparkly attire - the gaudier the better. I have ideas for each of them, but they are still in preliminary planning stages, so you'll all have to wait and see.

1 comment:

  1. A door like Jim Morrison? Because tiny leather pants are SO hard to find, I'll just warn you now.



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